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28 February 2017 08:30-13:30Visutech

Digital Printing Future 

Digital printing is rapidly gaining ground and is growing as fast as the technology is developing, which in todays terms is faster than any of us is capable to follow. The speed of the development in technology is not specific to the printing and packagning industry but an occurring development in all industries. What we can learn from, for example, the automotive industry and companies like Tesla and Uber or the Oil industry being under preassure from solar and wind now producing energy cheaper, is that traditional and previous "un threatened" businesses are now are facing revolutionary changes. And the longer they wait to adopt to new technologies, the steaper the learning curve and understanding of the new industry rules and business models. 

We are inviting you to join us to learn what's new and the latest applications from fast emerging digital printing in packaging like for instance HP Indigo. We have invited speakers with know-how and understanding of the technology and how it can be applied to different markets in order to stay up to date to customer demands. 

All you need to know

The Event is organised with the participant in mind. Our aim is to deliver a fully focused and educational event that will never get boring and will allow plenty of time to discuss and mingle. We want you to be inspired and to inspire. We all have experience and knowledge of something that is of value for others. The presentations are short, held in small groups and open for interaction for the benefit of both the participants and the speakers. You are enabled to be an active contributor of the final result and you will get to know inspirational professionals and hopefully make new friends!



08:30 - Start with breakfast and mingle 

09:00 - Introduction by Packbridge and welcoming by Visutech 

09:15 - Presentation by Paul Randall / Digital Printing Revolution Explained 

10:00 - Group presentations

12:00 - Lunch and mingle 

12:40 - Group discussions and conclusions 

13:15 - Summary 

13:30 END 


We have organised this event together with our Packbridge member Visutech, who's specialised in digital printing sales and have the know-how of this new technology and it's potential impact on the packaging market. This is an open minded event that is relevant for all of our members and collegues in the packaging industry. 

The venue is Visutechs offices in Mölndal (Gothenburg). 

All information regarding our Events are in English to secure availability to all of our members. The Events on the other hand will be in Swedish if the audience are only Swedish speaking, otherwise in English.

A warm welcome to all of you! 

Visutech and Packbridge 

😎 Full Event 🙃🤙

Paul Randall
WW Brands Business Development Manager - Hewlett-Packard

Digital Printing Revolution - Explained

Paul Randall is part of HP’s worldwide brands and agencies business development team. Working to support brands in their use of HP digital print technology to achieve efficiencies and cost savings as well as looking at how digital print can be a key innovation growth driver through delivering high impact consumer engagement campaigns.  Having supported a number of projects that have used HP technology Paul has extensive knowledge of what it takes for digital print to be used successfully.

Paul Randall

Paul joined the HP Graphics Solutions Business in 2005 as part of the HP Indigo UK team, and has gone on to work across the wider HP Graphics Solutions Business in a number of roles across both the Indigo and Inkjet businesses in roles within the UK, across EMEA and as part of a worldwide team.

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Jesper Berthold
Packaging Development, Papermaking & Packaging Innovation - Innventia

Material Research and Digital Printing

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Mats Winde
Founder and Technical Manager - Mediaköket

How design and production is made with digital printing

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Rickard Ådén
Category Manager - Visutech

Machine showroom - Digital Printing in Action

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Caroline Dahl
Communications - Nordvalls Etikett

Adress the Customer Personally

Caroline Dahl

Caroline Dahl is head of communications at Nordvalls. Nordvalls is a family business and Caroline has virtually grown up in the printing business. She has a masters in marketing and brand management from the University in Lund.

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Tove Slettebo
Sales - Nordvalls Etikett

Digital Printing in the Transition

Tove Slettebo

Tove is head of sales towards the pharma segment at Nordvalls. She has a long experience from the pharma industry as well as packaging and she is a quality engineer. She is often teaching about lables and printing and sees many opportunities in digital printing.

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Packbridge and Visutech AB

Visutech Digital AB

"Passion, expertise and the business activities of our customers in focus”